Building a Complete American Neighborhood:
Equity, Community, Education & Work
Digital event, focused on
Atlanta, Georgia
December 8, 2021, 11:30-1:30PM ET
Presented by Reimagine America’s Schools and the Siegel Family Endowment in association with CityAge
America’s neighborhoods are the heart of its cities. They are the barometers of the nation’s health, dynamism and future.
Now it's time to make every American neighborhood a complete neighborhood. That means prioritizing equity by infusing communities with better access to opportunity, especially historically underserved communities of color.
View the full event recording here.
Building a Complete American Neighborhood rests on three pillars: community, education and work. They’re a 15 Minute City, they have schools at the center of their community, their urban space provides easy access to daily necessities, and they offer life-long learning for all residents.
Implementing each of these pillars rests upon the idea of building multi-dimensional infrastructure and vital engagement with the communities from which new solutions will emerge.
Catalyzed by Reimagine America’s Schools (a program of the National Design Alliance), the Siegel Family Endowment and CityAge, The Complete American Neighborhood seeks to launch a regional and national dialogue on how to ensure every community has an opportunity to build more complete, inclusive neighborhoods.
The first event in this series will look at Atlanta, and how its neighborhoods and leaders are building a new livability around their communities, schools, and emerging national leadership in tech.
The 15 minute city — a simple and profound idea: life’s daily necessities: schools, groceries, work and play should be available within a short walk of every home. It’s urban design’s surest path to sustainability, health and wellbeing.
Building a new multi-dimensional infrastructure that rests upon physical, digital and social, as outlined by the Siegel Family Endowment here
And how communities can leverage federal infrastructure investment to build healthier, more equitable neighborhoods
School-centered community reinvestments: Leveraging new investments in education and infrastructure to Reimagine America’s Schools
Building inclusive neighborhoods: Ensuring every neighborhood can provide a ladder of opportunity
How work is being revolutionized, and what it means for our neighborhoods, offices and metropolitan form
Over a series of free digital events, we’ll bring together leaders from across the United States and around the world who are building the 15 Minute City and other ideas, to offer important insights and opportunities on how we can start building the Complete American Neighborhood today.
Dr. Tauheedah Baker-Jones, Chief Equity and Social Justice Officer, Atlanta Public Schools
Dr. Morcease Beasley, Superintendent, Clayton County Public Schools
Ron Bogle, President & CEO, National Design Alliance, Team Leader, Reimagine America’s Schools
Ann Cramer, Senior Consultant, Coxe Curry & Associates
Monika Davis, CIO, DeKalb County School District
Josh Elder, Director of Grants Management, Siegel Family Endowment
Andrew Feiler, Author, A Better Life for their Children
Ryan Gravel, Founder, Sixpitch
Ted Landsmark, Director, Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy, Northeastern University
Atiba Mbiwan, Executive Director, Zeist Foundation
Slma Shelbayah, Founder, Shelbayah Consulting, Former Journalist, CNN, CityAge Anchor